What is ListView.builder and GridView.builder in Flutter.
Who is your closest companion or assistant in Flutter? In my viewpoint, the best combination is ctrl+spacebar in my VScode. While developing the app, it is useful to learn about all of the properties that will be used to assign widgets. Let us lower our voices and take more action. Now let us turn our attention to our concept. Today we will learn about the most wanted topic in flutter, and once we understand these fundamentals, we will be able to perform better in flutter.
It helps in the creation of a long list by producing a scrollable, linear array of widgets that are generated on demand.
You have one question now. How to make the best use of the ListView.builder.
There is an Appbar widget with the text “Pens That We Have.”
That’s something you’re already familiar with, so I won’t go into detail about Appbar.
ListView.builder was created within the body.
First, when creating ListView.builder, you must consider the following steps: What are the steps.
Create the Data source
Convert Datasource into the widget
covert the widgets to children in ListVeibuilder
Create the data source
Here you will gather details about some pen names and prices. So I decided to create a blueprint, which means I’m going to create a model of a pen that includes the name and price.
So, using a model, I’m going to create various varieties of pens, which I’ll then put into a list and label “pens.”